New Machinery Investment Reduces Injury Claims, Increases Operation Efficiencies

Lift-Reach Truck Investment

reach lift
reach lift truck
Business Type: Dietary supplement manufacturer
lift reach truck
Risk: Sprains, strains and severe back injuries
reach lift forklift
Investment: $50,000
reach forklift
Return: $96,240 (2:1)
A dietary supplement manufacturer saw a nearly double return on investment after following The Hartford’s risk engineering recommendations that ultimately helped reduce employee injury claims.

The Problem: Sprains, Strains and Severe Back Injuries

Employees on the filling line at the company had to repeatedly push, move and lift heavy pallets and materials each day. After bottles were fork-lifted to the line, workers had to move the packages from the wooden pallets to a plastic pallet, which was done up to 100 times a day.
The 200-pound loads posed a lifting hazard and increased workers’ risk of sprains, strains and severe back injuries.

The Solution: A Lift-Reach Truck To Reduce Heavy Work Loads

The company was already looking to replace a forklift. After our risk engineering consultants worked with the maintenance supervisor, the company decided to buy a new lift-reach truck. This had several benefits, including:
  • Eliminating lift and injury hazards to workers
  • Reducing the time spent on the task on the fill line

Return on Investment: Efficiency and Savings of More Than $146,000

The company bought a lift-reach truck for $50,000. Over time, this created efficiencies at the business and reduced loss risks.
  • Operational gains and efficiencies of $12,000
  • Direct loss cost avoidance of $35,560
  • Indirect loss avoidance factor of $100,680
  • Total cost savings of $146,240
  • Return on investment of $96,240 (2:1)