TREO | Track Risk. Explore Opportunities.SM

What Is TREO?

What Is TREO?

Learn about how our RMIS solution can benefit you.
What Is TREO?

Who We Serve

We serve accounts in need of a Risk Management Information System (RMIS).

Our Appetite

Accounts underwritten by National Accounts, The Hartford Construction Group and mid to large sized accounts with $400,000 or more in total premium.

Our Solution

TREO, a RMIS solution, designed to simplify claims management by:
  • Enabling the power of data and analytics
  • Creating transparency, highlighting proof points and identifying the root causes of cost drivers
  • Allowing individual and portfolio claims management
  • Letting you customize claims-trend tracking
TREO facilitates the right balance of technology, people and time. The combined experience helps risk professionals focus their energy and resources on the right claim drivers to achieve a greater understanding of cause of loss and effectively lower loss costs.
TREO overview

TREO | Track Risk. Explore Opportunities.SM

Simplify the way you manage complex risks with one versatile RMIS platform.