How to Get Workers' Comp Insurance - Pay-as-You-Go

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When it comes to workers’ compensation insurance, there’s certainly something to be said for convenience. With pay-as-you-go, work with your existing payroll service provider and/or tax administrator to pay a single bill each pay period by combining your workers’ compensation premium with your payroll.
Reality check: If you choose to turn your workers' comp premium payments over to your payroll bureau, you may forfeit direct control over, and knowledge of the true costs of, your workers' comp program.

Game Plan

Not all insurance companies offer, and not all payroll providers will support, a pay-as-you-go workers comp premium payment option. Be sure to give your current insurer and payroll bureau a call to see if they’ll work with you on a pay-as-you-go program.
If your payroll provider does not support this option and you want to convert to one that does, there are many to choose from – and just a mouse click or two away. Just search online for “pay-as-you-go workers’ comp” and you’ll find a variety of options to explore further.
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