Which Weather Events Might Affect Your Business?

Unless you’ve recently moved to a new location, you probably know the types of weather events most common to your area from firsthand experience. Doing business in Southern California? Earthquakes and wildfires might be top of mind. Operating on the New Jersey shore? Hurricanes and flooding will be more of a concern for you. If you’re not sure about how to prioritize your weather disaster list, do some historical weather pattern research on the Internet for your state.
Weather-related disasters can hit virtually anywhere, and unusual weather events are cropping up in unexpected locations. In January 2012, Olympia, Washington was buried in a foot of snow. In April 2012, Amarillo, Texas was pummeled by nickel-sized hail. In April 2011, 258 tornadoes struck the Southeast over a four-day period. But if you work elsewhere, don’t feel left out. In 2012, record-breaking extreme weather events occurred in all 50 states. So despite historical norms, it pays to plan for the unexpected, as well.

Game Plan

  • Make a prioritized list of the most common extreme weather events you are likely to face based on your location and personal experience. Visit ready.gov and select your state to learn more about hazards in your area.
  • Research best practices for reducing or eliminating your exposure to your top weather priorities. Visit The Hartford's Catastrophe Information Center to get resources for extreme weather events.
  • Learn how The Hartford is helping businesses prepare, protect, and prevail with timely content on our Small Biz Ahead website.
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