Tailoring Business Insurance to Your Industry

Quick Summary
Every industry poses – and every company faces – unique risks. It’s important to make sure that your business insurance takes these into account. The best way to do this is to do the research and work with an insurance professional who knows your industry and is willing to take the time to get to know your business. Then tailor a policy to meet your business’ risk management needs as completely and cost effectively as possible.

Risk Management for Startups

Risk management for startups isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy. Learn how to manage risks that your startup may encounter, regardless of what industry you’re in. Choose business insurance with The Hartford as part of your risk management for startup business plan.

Adding Coverage Through Riders or Stand-Alone Policies

Depending on your business’ operations and risk management needs, you may be able to secure specialized insurance coverage by adding riders to your existing BOP. Or you may be better served through a stand-alone policy that, point-by-point, focuses in on the coverages essential to protecting your business from specific liabilities and other operational hazards.

Why Experienced Underwriters & Claims Specialists Are Important

Working with underwriters and claims adjustors who have specialized experience in your industry can make all the difference. You’ll have the confidence that you’ve secured an effective risk management program at a fair price. And when claims arise, you’ll have someone in your corner who can advocate knowledgeably for your interests – and get results.
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For more than 200 years businesses have trusted The Hartford. We can help you get the right coverage with an online quote.
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