Communicating Change to Employees

One of the most important success factors in implementing a change is how that change is communicated to employees. CEO-led employee meetings, for example, are a tried-and-true method, and are still used quite effectively.
Other communications tools span the analog-to-digital gamut. Be smart about which types you use for specific changes. For example, smaller changes (like dress code) can be conveyed via a newsletter, bulletin board or intranet; more significant changes (like a reorganization) will generally require a more personal, face-to-face approach, such as departmental or even one-on-one meetings.
Both content and style come into play. You must not only keep people informed as to what’s happening (the content), but also take care choosing when and how you articulate the change (the style). Both of these require upfront strategies, developed in concert by company management and the HR function. Don’t overlook it.

Game Plan

Devote ample time and upfront planning to the employee communication aspect of a change, because nothing can scuttle a company initiative faster than a cynical and/or unhappy staff.
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