Be Consistent

Once you have created a brand, be consistent in how you present the brand in all your communications, including in advertising, on social media, and in all employee-customer interactions.

Create Brand Identity Guidelines and Branded Communications Templates

To make it easier to apply your branding consistently across all marketing channels, create a brand identification template. This can include details on a variety of things, including typography, brand personality, tone of voice and brand usage. The specific details in this template aren’t as important as being consistent across all customer communications.

Train Employees to Understand Their Key Role in Supporting the Brand

Train and manage the people who represent your brand. This includes all employees who have contact with customers, but especially your marketing staff and those working for marketing communications and advertising agencies. Train employees to understand your value proposition and core messages, and consistently adhere to your brand standards. Be mindful of the need for consistency on social media, including any company blogs.

Incorporate the Brand in Everything

Make sure you use the same company logo, images and writing style and tone across all communication channels. Consistency is critically important in branding. Any inconsistency in how customers perceive your brand could weaken their connection with your company.

Game Plan

Consistency strengthens your brand. And consistency begins with explaining to all employees why it is advantageous and how they can help.
Next steps:
  • Explain to all staff the reasons for and advantages of a strong, consistent brand.
  • Work with experts to create a template for your brand identity.
  • Be thorough in reviewing and monitoring the company’s branding to ensure consistency.
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