Gene Marks on Meeting Venues

Confused about where to hold business meetings? Business expert Gene Marks talks about what matters when deciding on a venue.

Video Transcript

We talk about running meetings and how it’s important – how important is it to choose that, that sort of venue, and it’s everything when you’re running a meeting. And I, you know, I go to many meetings and, you know, when they’re not run very well, more importantly, if the venue, if the setting of the meeting is not well, it takes away from so much of the productivity. So, you know, a meeting itself, when, you know, I, I don’t succeed very much at lunch meetings or dinner meetings. They kind of get a little bit out of control. You know, you’re distracted by too many things going on. There might be noises in the background or around you. The best meetings that I go to, just you know, are ones that are held in conference rooms where there are four or five people that are there that have to be part of the meeting, where there’s a specific agenda, and an action plan and you do your meeting and then you leave, then you go to dinner afterwards. So choosing the right venue is very important, but it’s not that hard. Just it needs to be just a quiet place where you can get your work done.

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