Why and How to Collect Email Addresses

One of the best lead generators is to obtain the email address of anyone who has expressed interest in your products or services. There are a number of effective ways to collect email addresses of customers and prospects via your website.

Why Collect Email Addresses

When you have something new to share about your business to current clients and prospects, you can post it on your website or on a social media site. You can also email people through a regular email newsletter or on an ad hoc basis. But first, you’ll need to collect people’s email addresses.

How to Collect Email Addresses Most Effectively

An easy and inexpensive way to gather email addresses is through a sign-up form on your website, asking people to “click here to subscribe.” It can be helpful to give people a reason to sign up, such as “Stay on top of the latest industry happenings with our monthly email newsletter.” At the end of an article that you post, ask people to sign up for regular updates.
Offer website visitors a free report or guide, and ask them for their email addresses. As an incentive, you could provide a reward or a chance to win something when people sign up for email updates. Add a sign-up form on your Facebook page as well. Post a link to your latest newsletter issues on Twitter and LinkedIn.
You can also collect email addresses through traditional printed marketing materials, such as direct mail, brochures, postcards, and in your store. On your emails, include a line below your signature promoting your e-newsletter, and ask people to “click here to subscribe.”

Game Plan

Collecting email addresses is like laying the foundation for your business growth. Make it a key focus for a period of time and then, once you have an expanded contact list, put it to use. But keep building your email list.
Next steps:
  • Post your request for email addresses on your website, your Facebook page and any other social media sites.
  • Think about incentives and rewards you can offer.
  • Plan a campaign. What will you provide as content in your newsletter?
  • Once you have compiled your email list, don’t forget to consider how often you should email your customers.
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